St. Andrew Christian Church
Sunday, February 16, 2025
A Place to Believe, Belong and be Loved
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Prayer Request

Please submit your prayer request.  The Saints of St. ABC would love to pray with and for you!

I Prayed For You Today

I prayed for you today, gave thanks for your life, hoped for you the best, and asked the Lord to bless you with good health and happiness. I asked the Lord to also send the radiant sunshine of His Love upon your wonderful family! I sent requests to the God of all Creation, to surround you with faith and hope and love. I asked before the Throne of grace to dispatch angels to protect you and keep you safe from any harm and to cover you with Joy and Contentment and Peace and Prosperity and Power.

I prayed for you today! I asked that you be guided with the wisdom of His Word to make choices to enhance your life and the awareness to make changes that are in your best interest.

I desired for you a storehouse of opportunities, the ability to meet your goals, and the joy of God’s approval and God’s “Amazing Grace.” I wished for you your heart’s desire, every need met, every prayer within His Will answered, and every dream come true.

I prayed for you today! I asked that you be prepared for whatever life hands you or whatever you’re going through. I asked that your spirit be strong and lead you and guide you each step of the way down every path you take. I asked “Goodness and Mercy” to confirm for you that you’re someone very special. I asked God to show you His perfect way and His perfect peace “in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen! Amen! Amen!

God Will Answer Prayer (Jeremiah 33:3),

Dr. Bertheophilus M. Bailey, Sr, Pastor

St. Andrew Baptist Church of Tulsa, OK





Prayer Request